Emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) is a complex psychological phenomenon that often manifests in children and adolescents. It is characterized by a strong emotional aversion to attending school, resulting in chronic absenteeism. EBSA typically stems from emotional or psychological issues, making it distinct from other forms of school avoidance, such as truancy, which may be rooted in behavioural problems or a desire to escape rules.

Emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) can manifest in several ways, including:
Anxiety: Many children with EBSA experience significant anxiety related to school. This anxiety can be generalized or specific to particular situations, such as social interactions or academic challenges.
Separation Anxiety: Some children may develop separation anxiety, making it extremely distressing to be away from their parents or caregivers. This can make school attendance a traumatic experience.
Depression: Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of interest in school can contribute to EBSA. Depressed children may find it difficult to muster the motivation to attend school.
Physical Symptoms: EBSA can lead to physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or other somatic complaints, which often worsen on school days. These symptoms may be a manifestation of the emotional distress associated with attending school.
Refusal to Go to School: Children with EBSA may outright refuse to go to school, resulting in prolonged absences. Their resistance can be intense and persistent.
Frequent Absenteeism: EBSA often leads to chronic absenteeism, where the child misses a significant number of school days, which can affect their academic progress and social development.
Avoidance Behaviors: Children may engage in various avoidance behaviours, such as pretending to be sick, requesting to stay home, or missing the school bus deliberately.
It's essential to address EBSA promptly because prolonged school avoidance can significantly impact a child's academic performance, social relationships, and long-term well-being.
Effective interventions often involve therapeutic support, counselling, and collaboration between parents, school staff, and mental health professionals to address the underlying emotional issues and provide a supportive environment for the child to return to school.

Wellbeing Practice: Counselling Support for Adults - Children and Young People.
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